Tableau is a family of interactive data visualization and business intelligence software that lets you explore, visualize, and share data securely.
Available To
Students, Faculty, Staff, Affiliates
Benefits and key features
- Analyze your data and get quick answers to questions through visualizations, interactive dashboards, and data tables.
- Connect directly to data in the Data Warehouse, Excel spreadsheets, and other data sources.
- Share your Tableau Desktop creations: Publish the views you’ve created in Tableau Desktop to Tableau Server and share them with others at MIT and beyond. Users can view those dashboards through Tableau Server’s web interface, embed them on websites, or share a link via email. All this can be done securely, with visual permission settings to manage data access.
- Analyze data interactively via Tableau Server: Filter data, drill down or drill up on the data, highlight related data in multiple views, or add new data to enhance your analysis.
- Create your own views using the same data with Tableau Server’s web authoring capabilities.
Getting started
- Access to view Tableau workbooks - Valid MIT certificates and/or a Touchstone account required
- Obtain Tableau Desktop software
- Request Tableau Server space for your DLC